Kèo IEO càng ngày càng rủi ro

Thảo luận trong 'Top 100 coin' bắt đầu bởi phatintuyhhen, 16/6/19. Trả lời: 60,018 Xem: 1,366,237.

  1. LeotinardhhoGa
    Organise elections. Each time we do so the value of our token will increase because Agora uses 50% of the income to buy back tokens in the secondary market, 10% will be burnt and 40% will be used to pay auditors for their efforts.
  2. Yastimin
    I'll intro Leo :c)))))))))))))))))))))))) - Agora CEO- financial engineer, a pilot and a programmer- received his first award at the age of 8 by President Chirac and patented his first invention at the age of 20(a CO2 emissions reducer for cars now widely used in West Africa)- Built, ran and sold two profitable trading algorithms to one of the world’s top 15 largest hedge funds. - investing in academic research on new types of blockchain consensus models, developing mission driven projects which led to the birth of Agora and using this knowledge to offer blockchain consulting services through Lae Technologies Ltd.- Mechanical Engineering BSc and Financial Engineering MSc at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL).
    Kateryna YushchenkoFormer First Lady of Ukraine from 2005 to 2010. Associate Professor at the Banking University of Ukraine
    Ambassador :point_up_2:

    Ambassador: H.E Ameenah Gurib-FakimSixth President of Mauritius from 2015 to 2018
  3. LeotinardhhoGa
    Let's have everyone contribute the same day, it's fairer.
  4. Yastimin
    CSO:KHADIJA MASRI- CSO & HEAD OF BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT NORTH AFRICA- former Ambassador Permanent Representative of the African Union Commission to the United Nations in Geneva- former Head of Africa's Strategic Partnership Department at the African Union Commission in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.- member of the African Women Leaders Network since 2017 in New York.
    Dimitar Dinev(Advisor)- Currently at GJ Exchange.(Head of Business development) - Former BTCC International Business and Operations Manager- Former VC Investments at Chainfunder
    Iurii MonchakBlockchain EngineerIurii graduated in 2004 from the National University of Kiev Faculty of Radio Physics, Electronics and Computer Systems.As a student Iurii worked for the University on multiple projects, one of the most significant was to build an internet access system for students living on campus.. After that Iurii worked many years working with different major companies on ISP (Internet Service Providers) and ITSP (Internet Telephone Service Providers), building, deploying and supporting OSS/BSS systems (Operation Support System/Business Support System). He has succeeded to build a multiple variety of systems including ISP billing systems, callshop systems, VoiP softswitches, VoIP route-testing software and VPN access systems, building them from scratch for different projects and as a team member for various other larger commercial systems.
    For more:https://www.agora.vote/team
  5. LeotinardhhoGa
    Of course world wide, mobile voting improves many inefficiencies in Switzerland, cost related, logistically related and incentive for people to vote, because the young generations especially are not very frequent voters and since it's a mobile app and we're all addicted to our phones, it will make things easier for everyone. But the real revolution will happen in the majority world, check out some of our use cases and plans: www.agora.vote/newshttps://medium.c...tering-the-latin-american-market-730a511d6e55
  6. Yastimin
    At present elections globally are MALLEABLE, COSTLY, SLOW & DIFFICULT TO ACCESS, CAUSE OF CONFLICT. No systematic and efficient way to tackle elections. Voters cannot be sure that their voices are being protected. Agora chain is a propriatary chain based on a non financially incentivised consensus mechanism which has been purpose built for the use case of voting.The need for a non financial incentive serves the communities and not the incentives of miners on the network. Agora’s public blockchain which is called the Bulletin Board is where the data is stored throughout any given election process. Any party can verify the validity of a given election as well as all of the intermediate steps of the voting process.
  7. LeotinardhhoGa
    The primary use is to audit the elections: i) VOTE is a utility token: auditors must work to earn their VOTE tokens.Auditors are contractors of Agora, they are randomly selected and contracted for one day, the election day. Their job is to watch the election.ii) Auditors have to tell the truth: in order to be eligible for election auditing, auditors need to stake a portion of their tokens. They are putting some of their skin in the game, it’s a collateral for their honesty. If they don’t tell the truth, their tokens will be taken away from them and given to charity. Since they are KYCed they will no longer be able to audit elections afterwards.iii) Auditors get paid: they worked during the election day for roughly 15 minutes; audited the consensus by watching the behaviour of the nodes, flagged abnormalities, if any, on the technical side, or on the ground if they’re on the spot. They then get paid proportionally to the tokens they staked.https://medium.com/agorablockchain/eat-sleep-audit-repeat-acd8bcbbabad

    Each time we organise an election, we go buy back tokens in the secondary market, 10% will be burnt and 40% will be taken from the hand of flippers to be given to token holders, auditors, believers. Each time Agora organises elections the price of the token will increase no matter the business cycle, if bitcoin is doing well or if the market is bearish it doesn't change much because our token value is linked to our capabilities to deliver. The future value will be discounted back in the present value of the company.
  8. Yastimin
    We are selling a protocol, not a voting app, so we can tackle many of their issues, from supply chain tracking, financial tracking, voting, but they are also invited to build non top of our protocol. Also the fact our consensus mechanism is without financial incentive, makes them comfortable. So instead of approaching them with a single solution we approach them with a range of solutions to match their needs. Over all they will save an astronomical amount of money. For e.g. If an election is 600Mil we can get that cost down to 50-70Mil if we're good.
  9. LeotinardhhoGa
    Agora doesn't collect the data of users and will never do that because we are incapable of doing it.
  10. Yastimin
    Current Cost of elections
  11. LeotinardhhoGa
    So even if you hack us, you will never be able to find anything, we don't deal with the KYC of voters
    Agora chain is a propriatary chain based on a non financially incentivised consensus mechanism which has been purpose built for the use case of voting.The need for a non financial incentive serves the communities and not the incentives of miners on the network. Agora’s public blockchain which is called the Bulletin Board is where the data is stored throughout any given election process. Any party can verify the validity of a given election as well as all of the intermediate steps of the voting process. Our consensus is called proof of sign, not offering any financial incentive to the nodes, all of them are equal and the consensus is provided based on their digital signature. Agora has three technological innovations that make them stand out they are called Skipchain, Cotena and Valeda. Skipchain provides a consensus mechanism with high throughput and efficient transaction validation. Cotena then provides a method for storing cryptographic Skipchain proofs onto the Bitcoin blockchain and Finally, Valeda performs cryptographic proofs validating Skipchain and Cotena data all with the goal of providing high security and verifiability.All ballots are encrypted on each individual’s voting device with open source encryption tech before being transmitted to Agora’s network. Then once ballots are put on the network, they are anonymized thus detaching the vote from the ID of the voter.Agora doesn't collect data.You can change your vote if someone's putting pressure on you, until the last moment of the electoral event.People don't need to queue for many hours with people who don't share the same political opinion. The results are made public on the blockchain so no violence due to questionable results.
  12. Yastimin
    India is infamous for its election expenditure. Just getting the voting paper and materials costs millions. We have a very strong international relations background and are already working with many partners, governments and electoral commissions to tackle the many problems todays elections face.
  13. LeotinardhhoGa
    We built a chain from scratch. Our consensus is called proof of sign, not offering any financial incentive to the nodes, all of them are equal and the consensus is provided based on their digital signature. Agora has three technological innovations that make them stand out they are called Skipchain, Cotena and Valeda. Skipchain provides a consensus mechanism with high throughput and efficient transaction validation. Cotena then provides a method for storing cryptographic Skipchain proofs onto the Bitcoin blockchain and Finally, Valeda performs cryptographic proofs validating Skipchain and Cotena data all with the goal of providing high security and verifiability.Do you think that the US government will accept to run elections on a financially incentivised consensus where node are not KYCed? Non Kyced Russian minor would be able to provide consensus then.. and vis versa.. :c))))))))))))))))))))))))
  14. Yastimin
    We would like to continue to win public tenders, become the standard in the industry and be recognised and recommended by the international community.
  15. LeotinardhhoGa
    The solution that we have is that instead of coming with an App on top of someone's infrastructure which would force us to work within the constrains of that underlying infrastructure we built a protocol with many apps and anyone can come and build.A protocol made for the purpose of voting, built from scratch, with a number of Dapps to enable anyone, anywhere to vote for elections, referendums, surveys, shareholder meetings, exchange listing etc. Allowing communities, private and public organisations to eradicate fraud and corruption, reduce costs and engage voters in a modern, convenient and accessible way.A consensus mechanism designed for the purpose of voting with 0 financial incentive, a permission infrastructure, a permission-less infrastructure, a voting Dapp, a supply chain ballot tracking Dapp, an official Dapp to help our clients (governments, institutions, communities) to organise their election both financially and logistically as well as movement of their staff.You are building for all of us:As much software as you think is needed to make elections more efficient, less expensive and tension-free. Governments, competitors and communities can build as many Dapps as they wish on top of our infrastructures and utilise our chains, to help us all achieve our goal: Better elections all over the planet.
  16. Yastimin
    We are building for you:A protocol made for the purpose of voting, built from scratch, with a number of Dapps to enable anyone, anywhere to vote for elections, referendums, surveys, shareholder meetings, exchange listing etc. Allowing communities, private and public organisations to eradicate fraud and corruption, reduce costs and engage voters in a modern, convenient and accessible way.A consensus mechanism designed for the purpose of voting with 0 financial incentive, a permission infrastructure, a permission-less infrastructure, a voting Dapp, a supply chain ballot tracking Dapp, an official Dapp to help our clients (governments, institutions, communities) to organise their election both financially and logistically as well as movement of their staff.Soon, we will put a credit card portal on our website and elections can run organically. Only big size elections require us to be on the ground. For small size elections clients can get the service from us and all the products they need & notify their voters, in this case Agora will send a notification to the auditors so they can audit and that's it. For these small elections Agora only acts as a moderator to make sure that the topic of the election is compliant.You are building for all of us:As much software as you think is needed to make elections more efficient, less expensive and tension-free. Governments, competitors and communities can build as many Dapps as they wish on top of our infrastructures and utilise our chains, to help us all achieve our goal: Better elections all over the planet.
  17. LeotinardhhoGa
    1st advantage is money. In order to be able to winn public tender you have to have the finances to support an election. I'm not sure that our competitors are legally able to file any public tender for an election that involves a presidential outcome.2nd. Agora is a protocol built from the ground up not a Dapp on someone's else infrastructure. When you build on ETH you have to play within the contrains of ETH. Do you think that the US government would accept to take the risk of having Russian non KYCed miners providing consensus during their national elections ? Or vis versa Russia with the US... You cannot approach goverments with a Dapp... What if their laws say: "The final outcome of the election has to be the paper ballot result?" We built a protocol on top of which competitors. governments can come and build freely. We provide a supplychain solution to those who have paper ballot laws, we track the qr code and make sure the results are trustworthy.So if you have a killer ID management app, one of your friends has a voice recognition app an your other friend does finger prints recognition then please come and join build on top of our chain to help everyone build a safe environment for voting.But Agora is not and will not be FB or Cambridge Analytica, we don't know who voted, not our role, we don't do or care about KYC. We receive ballots in a anonymised way, we shuffle them more and send them to the chainthe idea would be for us to become a foundation and let the citizen build apps and choose the best apps to work with
    If you're capable of using a voting machine, you're capable of using Agora. It's a very simple app with all native languages, sound features for blind and illiterate people.
  18. Yastimin
    Seed Round: $1.5Mil for 38,235,295 VOTE (3.8% of Total Token Supply).100% Locked.Vesting Schedule 3 months after listing 40%, 6 months after listing 30%, 9 months after listing 30%.Right of First Refusal.Strategic Round: $3Mil for 70,588,236 VOTE (7.0% of Total Token Supply).100% Locked.Vesting Schedule: 3 months after Listing 40%, 6 months after Listing 30%,9 months after Listing 30%.Right of First Refusal.Private Round: $6Mil for 135,294,118 VOTE (13.5% of Total Token Supply).100% Locked.Vesting Schedule: 3 months after Listing 40%, 6 months after Listing 30%, 9 months after Listing 30%.Right of First Refusal.Presale: $4.5Mil for 97,058,825 VOTE (9.7% of Total Token Supply).100% Locked.Vesting Schedule: 3 months after Listing 40%, 6 months after Listing 30%,9 months after Listing 30%.
  19. LeotinardhhoGa
    Of course we are filling public tenders and need to comply to the laws of the country hosting the election. In case of small elections but organised on the ground of a certain jurisdiction, we make sure that the topic is compliant, we act as moderators. We also as I said don't know and don't collect the personal datas of people. It's a constrain that we decided to have for ourselves :c))))))))))))))))))))))))
    A friend of mine told giàng ơi that you guys were active and clever people, the questions are good so far, so I think that you're a good quality group. Also we want to have some exposure in Asia :c))))))))))))))))))))))))
  20. MintihThahhiVB

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