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Thảo luận trong 'Top 100 coin' bắt đầu bởi phatintuyhhen, 16/6/19. Trả lời: 60,018 Xem: 1,324,557.

  1. RictikyRohhy
    To what extent have been the effects of the recent bearish market on FET? Have the recent poor market conditions hindered or stunted the platform's progression and goals to be achieved in the nearest future ?Who do you see as your closest competitor and what makes you different from them and how will you try to do better than them ?Could you give us an overview of your tokenomics ? Is the token designed to rise and fall with the success of the platform, and does it include any scarcity paths such as stake, store, or burn ?
  2. BittiCoinhhs
    I am the holder of the Fetch coin. I really want Fetch to be the first choice for investors. Do you have a message for people to believe this?Talk about the potential and safety of FET. Which one do you think you would choose?
  3. TobtiySimhhpso
    1. OECD policy forum was really great to visit. We were there as part of Blockchain for Europe and it's important to engage and be part of the policy discussions taking place.2. Synergetic contracts allow on and offchain computing to be combined. With this, you can have many receive rewards for contributing small parts to bigger problems. Large scale optimisation problems, for example, are able to be solved collectively, in a scaleable way and delivered to everyone. When it comes to things like route planning, optimisation of asset locations and more, this is perfect: it can be shared by many, combined into new business ideas and everyone is rewarded.
    We have a roadmap that stretches out many years in the future. Key in early 2020 will be new AL/ML functionality and also updates to the agent's environment: connecting them more effectively and learning how those connections work for the benefit of other network users.
    Keep building.Keep delivering.Keep engaging.We have a unique technology that does a unique thing: autonomous economic agents and the technology that connects them is incredibly powerful. We're turning the world inside out: so that we can get emergent solutions to complex problems. Our background in AI, AL, ML, agent-based systems, digital worlds, large-scale digital and physical economies, trading, supply chains and more is the perfect foundation for delivering such a thing. We're proud of the code we've built, we're proud of the innovations, and we're deeply proud of the solutions we're building with it. We continue to deliver, we continue to make it happen and we will continue to engage with and support all those building with Fetch.ai.
  4. MintihThahhiVB
  5. TobtiySimhhpso
    At the base is the smart ledger. This provides integrity and scaleability. It powers smart and synergetic contracts and it gives the raw transaction throughput needed in a world of potentially billions of agents. The data it has allows the layer above to construct real-time trust and reputation, as well as delivering -- amongst many things -- a huge digital world for agents to get work done (https://medium.com/fetch-ai/a-decentralised-virtual-world-of-the-future-61d4ecb16b9f). And those two layers are what the Fetch architecture is, and they enable the agents on top to connect, find each other, and get useful work done. Collectively, it delivers intelligent connections, and collective intelligence to make sense of those connections.
    Community support is *VITAL*.Our community and our developers are one of the most important assets that we can possibly have: they are the supporters, they are out there telling people about Fetch.ai and what it can do, why it's unique and why it's important. Success and growth are dependent on community. And we will continue to make huge efforts in communicating directly with our community (in events like this), and also visiting conferences, DevCons and meet-ups across the globe as it makes a huge difference to interact with everyone directly. I've covered some of the work we're doing with developers in an earlier answer, so I won't repeat that here, but yes: community -- super important!
    Fetch is unpermissioned. It is truly decentralised: from our consensus, through our ledger and all the technology on top. This is important for growth, trust and more. We also have an incentive for further decentralisation through light nodes that exist to support agents: they increase the resolution and capabilities of the network and receive rewards from providing services to agents.
    (with regards to documenting this, we have a bunch of papers out there now on consensus and ledger, and more coming. I do recommend them!)
  6. MintihThahhiVB
    Unmuting now! Chat!
  7. TobtiySimhhpso
    Thank-you all for the wonderful questions. Sorry I wasn't able to answer them all, but I do hope to be able to be back again soon!
  8. HuotingLahhn
    thanks you
  9. ShitivamKhhumar
    What about Chinese regulations, does that effect the way companies have to use the platform? If a company is based in a Crypto regulated country and if crypto is prohibited, can they still use the platform ? Would you be able to tell us what your plans are beyond the release of new platforms? What can we expect in the next 5 years?@cobrascobras
  10. An-tiOceahhnEx
    Thanks Toby.
  11. jimtinguyhhen
    Thank you
  12. ThotiPhng
    Thank. Great ama
  13. ThotiPhng
    Giờ đợi nhân phẩm
  14. Haptipyymhhe
    Brilliant:c))))ap: thank you for answering sir @cobrascobras
  15. Newtibie
    thanks sir
  16. Comtibot
    :rocket: Newbie vừa lên cấp 4! Chúc mừng nhé :c))))

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