Hội nghị thượng đỉnh blockchain Đông Á

Thảo luận trong 'Top 100 coin' bắt đầu bởi tuankhoihailua, 16/6/19. Trả lời: 29,915 Xem: 667,535.

  1. Newtibie
    thấp nhất nó về là 104
  2. Jactiobzehhfis
    thanks for answer :c))))))))))))))))))))))))
  3. Blitinksihhnyourarea
    Giờ 9k
    ko lẽ ko dc 300$
  4. AlosDQOI
    BlockFlow in Action
  5. Newtibie
    :c)))) hold thì bao nhiêu bán đk nhỉ :c))))
  6. ChetingAlhheph
    And here is a demo of our innovative algorithm :dkmsml:ile:
  7. quatinghuhhy09
    Future of blockchain
  8. Newtibie
    em dự 1k bán là vừa :c))))))))))))))))))))))))
  9. tritieu
    đó síp, coin này làm gì có player với forex, blockium mới có @drofin69
  10. Blitinksihhnyourarea
    Nay 2 ama
  11. VintihThehhNgu
  12. AnhtiKhoa
    You will do your job well. Help Alephium be strong and successful.
  13. Blitinksihhnyourarea
    cùng lúc nên admin cũng bị nhầm
  14. Newtibie
    ngày nào cũng có mặt hahaha nhất chú rồi :c))))
  15. KhatinhtmhhTT
    Kind of impressed with the vision of the project and your typing skill :c))))))))))))))))))))))))
  16. quatinghuhhy09
    Are you run testnet before?
  17. HoatingMT
    :c)))))))))))))))))))))))) huynh cũng vậy :c))))))))))))))))))))))))
  18. VintihThehhNgu
    a rep mới dc. mấy ông kia tuổi gì
  19. Blitinksihhnyourarea
    Mấy ae bào
    VIC vcc
  20. AlosDQOI
    Please see my answer above about how we solve the single-shard takeover attack, if you want more details please feel free to shoot out :c))))))))))))))))))))))))

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