Các vấn đề về sàn Binance

Thảo luận trong 'Sàn giao dịch' bắt đầu bởi tuandoxu, 12/6/19. Trả lời: 31,435 Xem: 884,836.

  1. BentiiamihhnMi
    We have a series of strategies to expand our community world-wide and that includes online engagement, conferences and meetups, but perhaps the most beneficial one will be through the surprise product we're preparing. When it will be revelead it will be very useful. In regards to the team, we have already started the onboarding process for several developers - however we are extremly careful with the people we choose, to make sure we keep very high standards. Our primary focus remains the technology we deliver and bringing this to the market. Expanding to other countris is a possibility, but that is not primary focus right now.
  2. DaytiSandhhBox
    15. @Helloluan - To help onboarding, do you plan to work with projects like Quant Network, Unibright, etc, who aim to provide blockchain services for businesses?
  3. BentiiamihhnMi
    We are open to any partnerships that are relevant to Elrond. If you have ideas or suggestions please email them at contact @ elrond com. In addition we would love to receive you suggestions in telegram and other channels.Beside this we have a strong list with partners, and new announcements that will be coming on soon and will amplify Elrond's adoption.
  4. VietitHoahhng
    16. Binance Referral ID: 17527158 - Your whitepaper potrays the differences between Elrond and other blockchains and Elrond seems to have more advantages. Technology will always get better over time and eventually someone will come up with something better than Elrond. How is Elrond going to face this challenge?
  5. BentiiamihhnMi
    Not everything related to Elrond has been disclosed and we have a few more things that are still to be revealed in terms of technology. In other words we have taken important measures to make sure we stay ahead of the competition. Perhaps even more important, after we start with a technology edge, our advantage will turn to community and real business adoption. Once we get a critical mass on that front, we can keep push the edge on technology and stay ahead of the curve.
  6. BentiiamihhnMi
    Thanks guys, happy to have this conversation.
    So here is question 1: What is the peak TPS reached on the Elrond tesnet?
  7. VietitHoahhng
    sẵn sàng nhé
  8. Dmititry
  9. Jim9S57
    12k TPS
  10. KattiieG
    12k TPS
  11. Jim9S57
    12k TPS
  12. Jim9S57
    12k TPS
  13. HoatingMT
  14. Kentiny
    12k TPS
  15. VietitHoahhng
    Câu 2 : @beniaminmincu pls next one

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