Mainnet set up guide

Thảo luận trong 'Blockchain research' bắt đầu bởi eos to the moon, 9/6/18. Trả lời: 0 Xem: 1,507.

  1. eos to the moon
    The description below covers the bios boot sequence to start a blockchain from a single "genesis" node, transitioning to a voted on set of producers.

    The script implements these steps in a single-server installation (all nodeos nodes running on the same server). The script can be run directly from the tutorials/bios-boot-tutorial directory. The -a or --all Alternatively, each step of the process can be run individually by the script (as a continuing set of steps). Additionally, after running the first set of steps to get to a running set of producers, you can use the script to replace the system contract using the eosio.msig contract, then randomly transfer tokens among accounts.

    cd tutorials/bios-boot-tutorial
    ./ -a # to execute all options except replace system and transfer tokens, use -h for help

    The script logs the commands it executes in ./output.log. This enables you to see what work it has done. You can also find in the ./nodes folder, subfolders for each of the various nodeosinstances that are run. Output from those instances are captured in their respective subfolders.

    Note: Presently, the -a option can fail due to the way that the accounting is done for purchase RAM. To work around this problem, use --extra-issue 10000 (or some suitable sized number) to issue more than the 1B tokens issued.

    Manual Execution of the Boot Sequence
    The remainder of this document discusses the same set of steps as the script, but walks you through the commands one by one, enabling you to directly experience using the commands. The manual steps below do not try to bring up a full blockchain or do the same scope of work as the script. For example, the script generates around 3000 accounts by default (and optionally up to 30,000) and 30+ running nodeos nodes, etc. This would be too unwieldy to do manually! Use this description in conjunction with the script to solidify your understanding of the process.

    Note: In a live network, the steps involved require considerable coordination among independent parties who participate in the network. It is likely that the boot sequence will be done collectively by a small group within the blockchain community who work together closely to get an initial distributed network up and running. The network will then be expanded to incorporate more members. A pre-step to the bios boot process will be loading the collective account, key, and token balance information for each account.

    The steps here can be readily expanded for the networked case. Some assumptions are made here regarding how the parties involved will coordinate with each other. However, there are many ways that the community can choose to coordinate. The technical aspects of the process are objective; assumptions of how the coordination might occur are speculative. Several approaches have already been suggested by the community. You are encouraged to review the various approaches and get involved in the discussions as appropriate.

    Configure the initial set of nodeos nodes
    In this tutorial, we will start a number of nodeos nodes, point them to each other, and eventually vote on a set of producers. All of the nodeos nodes will run on the same server. In the following sections, we take various steps to prepare our candidate set of producers. We will use the naming convention accountnumXY, with XY chosen from the digits 1-5, e.g.,


    As stated above, the script implements these steps, however, it uses different (and many more) data values. See the file accounts.json for the producer names and the user account names that the script uses.

    Create config and data directories for each nodeos
    Since all of the nodeos nodes will run on the same server, we need separate config and data directories for each. The following example creates directories for each nodeos under the directory ~/eosio_test. Use whatever method works best for you to create a number of accounts, keeping in mind the naming restrictions that account names must be exactly 12 characters, from the set of a-z and 1-5.

    $ mkdir ~/eosio_test
    $ for (( i = 1; i <= 5; i++ )); do for (( j = 1 ; j <=5 ; j++ )); do mkdir ~/eosio_test/accountnum$i$j; done; done

    You will use these directories with the --config-dir and --data-dir parameters on the nodeos command line.

    Prepare IP addresses for peer-to-peer communication
    When we set up our producers, we will want to configure them to point to each other in order to perform peer-to-peer communication. If you set up a full mesh configuration, each node will point to all other nodes. A full mesh network will quickly grow unwieldy. The description below tells how to point nodes to other nodes in order to create the peer-to-peer communication. Use this for the nodes you select to be peers, but it is recommended NOT to use this for all nodes, as your configuration will grow explosively.

    Determine the set of IP addresses and port numbers for peer-to-peer communication among each nodeos node (you will use this later when you actually start your producer nodes). Each nodeos can be configured by setting the p2p-peer-address configuration property, either on the command line when starting nodeos (one argument per peer), or by setting the property in the config.ini file for nodeos (one line per peer).

    For example, assuming we are using port numbers 9011-9055 for the producers (i.e., accountnum11 - accountnum55, respectively), include the following arguments on the nodeoscommand line for accountnum12:

    --p2p-peer-address localhost:9011 --p2p-peer-address localhost:9013 --p2p-peer-address localhost:9014 ...

    OR In the config.ini file for accountnum12, add lines for each peer:

    p2p-peer-address = localhost:9011
    p2p-peer-address = localhost:9013
    p2p-peer-address = localhost:9014

    If using the configuration file approach, you will have many copies of the config.ini file, one in each ~/eosio_test/accountnumXY directory. Whether using the command line or config file approach, be careful to NOT include the producer's own address in the list of peers.

    Start the "genesis" node
    The "genesis" node is the first nodeos that we start, that will originate the blockchain. All other nodes will derive from the genesis node. Do the following on the genesis node.

    Note: In a real life scenario, it is doubtful that all IP addresses and port numbers will be known during the bios boot process. For example, the earliest started nodes will not have IP addresses and ports for later started nodes. This information can be added progressively.

    Create a wallet
    Create a wallet. By default, keosd is automatically started to manage the wallet.

    $ cleos wallet create

    Be sure to save the wallet password to enable unlocking the wallet in the future.

    The same wallet will be used for all key management for all accounts in this tutorial, regardless of which nodeos is being accessed. In a distributed deployment, wallet management should be a local-only activity.

    Configure the genesis.json file.
    The genesis.json file defines the initial chain state. All nodes must start from the same initial state. Two properties in particular are highlighted here. The initial_timestamp represents the start time of the blockchain. The initial_key is used by the genesis node to start producing. It needs to be the same among all nodes. The initial_key property in genesis.json must match the public key of the genesis nodeos. The nodeos key pair can be specified using the --private-key argument on the nodeos command line, or by setting the private-keyproperty in the config.ini file.

    The genesis.json file used by the script can be found in the tutorial/bios-boot-tutorialdirectory. All nodeos instances will be started using this file. The script specifies the nodeoskey pair on the command line. The script allows you to specify the key pair for the genesis node (--private-key and --public-key options). If specifying the genesis node's key, be sure to make any necessary changes to your genesis.json file. The script will start the genesis node with that key pair, and will create the eosio.* accounts using this key pair.

    Create the key for the eosio account
    nodeos comes pre-configured with a key pair, but we don't want to use that key. Create a key pair to be used for the eosio account when starting the genesis node. The tutorial script comes pre-configured with its own custom key pair. (see above)

    $ cleos create key
    Private key: 5JGxnezvp3N4V1NxBo8LPBvCrdR85bZqZUFvBZ8ACrbRC3ZWNYv
    Public key: EOS8VJybqtm41PMmXL1QUUDSfCrs9umYN4U1ZNa34JhPZ9mU5r2Cm

    Start the genesis nodeos node
    Start the genesis node using the generated key pair.

    $ nodeos -e -p eosio --private-key '[ "EOS8VJybqtm41PMmXL1QUUDSfCrs9umYN4U1ZNa34JhPZ9mU5r2Cm","5JGxnezvp3N4V1NxBo8LPBvCrdR85bZqZUFvBZ8ACrbRC3ZWNYv" ]' --plugin eosio:: producer_plugin --plugin eosio:: chain_api_plugin --plugin eosio::http_plugin --plugin eosio::history_api_plugin

    Create important system accounts
    There are several system accounts that are needed. These are:


    Repeat the following steps to create an account for each of the system accounts. In this tutorial, we will use the same key pair for both the account owner and active keys, so we only need to provide the key value once on the command line. For most general accounts, it is good practice to use separate keys for owner and active. The script uses the same key for all of the eosio.*accounts. You can use different keys for each.

    $ cleos create key # for eosio.bpay
    Private key: 5KAVVPzPZnbAx8dHz6UWVPFDVFtU1P5ncUzwHGQFuTxnEbdHJL4
    Public key: EOS84BLRbGbFahNJEpnnJHYCoW9QPbQEk2iHsHGGS6qcVUq9HhutG

    $ cleos wallet import 5KAVVPzPZnbAx8dHz6UWVPFDVFtU1P5ncUzwHGQFuTxnEbdHJL4
    imported private key for: EOS84BLRbGbFahNJEpnnJHYCoW9QPbQEk2iHsHGGS6qcVUq9HhutG

    $ cleos create account eosio eosio.bpay EOS84BLRbGbFahNJEpnnJHYCoW9QPbQEk2iHsHGGS6qcVUq9HhutG
    executed transaction: ca68bb3e931898cdd3c72d6efe373ce26e6845fc486b42bc5d185643ea7a90b1 200 bytes 280 us
    # eosio <= eosio::newaccount {"creator":"eosio","name":"eosio.bpay","owner":{"threshold":1,"keys":[{"key":"EOS84BLRbGbFahNJEpnnJH...

    Install the eosio.tokencontract
    Set the eosio.token contract. This contract enables you to create, issue, transfer, and get information about tokens. Note that the example assumes you built eos in the ~/Documents/eos folder.

    $ cleos set contract eosio.token ~/Documents/eos/build/contracts/eosio.token
    Reading WAST/WASM from /Users/tutorial/Documents/eos/build/contracts/eosio.token/eosio.token.wasm...
    Using already assembled WASM...
    Publishing contract...
    executed transaction: 17fa4e06ed0b2f52cadae2cd61dee8fb3d89d3e46d5b133333816a04d23ba991 8024 bytes 974 us
    # eosio <= eosio::setcode {"account":"eosio.token","vmtype":0,"vmversion":0,"code":"0061736d01000000017f1560037f7e7f0060057f7e...
    # eosio <= eosio::setabi {"account":"eosio.token","abi":{"types":[],"structs":[{"name":"transfer","base":"","fields":[{"name"...

    Set the eosio.msigcontract
    Set the eosio.msig contract. The msig contract enables and simplifies defining and managing permission levels and performing multi-signature actions. Note that this assumes that you built EOSIO in the ~/Documents/eos folder.

    $ cleos set contract eosio.msig ~/Documents/eos/build/contracts/eosio.msig
    Reading WAST/WASM from /Users/tutorial/Documents/eos/build/contracts/eosio.msig/eosio.msig.wasm...
    Using already assembled WASM...
    Publishing contract...
    executed transaction: 007507ad01de884377009d7dcf409bc41634e38da2feb6a117ceced8554a75bc 8840 bytes 925 us
    # eosio <= eosio::setcode {"account":"eosio.msig","vmtype":0,"vmversion":0,"code":"0061736d010000000198011760017f0060047f7e7e7...
    # eosio <= eosio::setabi {"account":"eosio.msig","abi":{"types":[{"new_type_name":"account_name","type":"name"}],"structs":[{...

    Create and allocate the SYS currency
    Create the SYS currency with a maximum value of 10 billion tokens. Then issue one billion tokens. Replace SYS with your specific currency designation.

    $ cleos push action eosio.token create '[ "eosio", "10000000000.0000 SYS" ]' -p eosio.token
    executed transaction: 0440461e0d8816b4a8fd9d47c1a6a53536d3c7af54abf53eace884f008429697 120 bytes 326 us
    # eosio.token <= eosio.token:: create {"issuer":"eosio","maximum_supply":"10000000000.0000 SYS"}

    $ cleos push action eosio.token issue '[ "eosio", "1000000000.0000 SYS", "memo" ]' -p eosio
    executed transaction: a53961a566c1faa95531efb422cd952611b17d728edac833c9a55582425f98ed 128 bytes 432 us
    # eosio.token <= eosio.token::issue {"to":"eosio","quantity":"1000000000.0000 SYS","memo":"memo"}

    In the first step above, the create action from the eosio.token contract, authorized by the eosio.token account, creates 10B SYS tokens in the eosio account. This effectively creates the maximum supply of tokens, but does not put any tokens into circulation. Tokens not in circulation can be considered to be held in reserve.

    In the second step, the eosio.token contract's issue action takes 1B SYS tokens out of reserve and puts them into circulation. At the time of issue, the tokens are held within the eosio account. Since the eosio account owns the reserve of uncirculated tokens, its authority is required to do the action.

    As a point of interest, from an economic point of view, moving token from reserve into circulation, such as by issuing tokens, is an inflationary action. Issuing tokens is just one way that inflation can occur.

    Set the eosio.system contract
    Set the eosio.system contract. This contract provides the actions for pretty much all token-based operational behavior. Prior to installing the system contract, actions are done independent of accounting. Once the system contract is enabled, actions now have an economic element to them. Resources (cpu, network, memory) must be paid for. Likewise, new accounts must be paid for. The system contract enables tokens to be staked and unstaked, resources to be purchased, potential producers to be registered and subsequently voted on, producer rewards to be claimed, privileges and limits to be set, and more.

    $ cleos set contract eosio ~/Documents/eos/build/contracts/eosio.system
    Reading WAST/WASM from /Users/tutorial/Documents/eos/build/contracts/eosio.system/eosio.system.wasm...
    Using already assembled WASM...
    Publishing contract...
    executed transaction: 2150ed87e4564cd3fe98ccdea841dc9ff67351f9315b6384084e8572a35887cc 39968 bytes 4395 us
    # eosio <= eosio::setcode {"account":"eosio","vmtype":0,"vmversion":0,"code":"0061736d0100000001be023060027f7e0060067f7e7e7f7f...
    # eosio <= eosio::setabi {"account":"eosio","abi":{"types":[],"structs":[{"name":"buyrambytes","base":"","fields":[{"name":"p...

    Transition from single producer to multiple producers
    In the next set of steps, we will transition from a single block producer (the genesis node) to multiple producers. Up to this point, only the built-in eosio account has been privileged and can sign blocks. The target is to manage the blockchain by a collection of elected producers operating under a rule of 2/3 + 1 producers agreeing before a block is final

    Producers are chosen by election. The list of producers can change. Rather than give privileged authority directly to any producer, the governing rules are associated with a special built-in account named eosio.prods. This account represents the group of elected producers. The eosio.prods account (effectively the producer group) operates using permissions defined by the eosio.msig contract.

    As soon as possible after installing the eosio.system contract, we want to make eosio.msiga privileged account so that it can authorize on behalf of the eosio account. As soon as possible, eosio will resign its authority and eosio.prods will take over.

    Make eosio.msig a privileged account
    We make eosio.msig privileged using the following.

    $ push action eosio setpriv '["eosio.msig", 1]' -p eosio@active

    Stake tokens and expand the network
    If you've followed the tutorial steps above to this point, you now have a single host, single-node configuration with the following contracts installed:

    • eosio.token
    • eosio.msig
    • eosio.system
    Accounts eosio and eosio.msig are privileged accounts. The other eosio.* accounts have been created but are not privileged.

    We are now ready to being staking accounts and expanding the network of producers.

    Create staked accounts
    Staking is the process of allocating tokens acquired by an entity in the "real world" (e.g., an individual purchasing something at a Crowdsale or some other means) to an account within the EOSIO system. Staking and unstaking are an on-going process throughout the life of a blockchain. The initial staking done during the bios boot process is special. During the bios boot sequence, accounts are staked with their tokens. However, until producers are elected, tokens are effectively in a frozen state. Thus the goal of the initial staking done during the bios boot sequence is to get tokens allocated to their accounts and ready for use, and get the voting process going so that producers can get elected and the blockchain running "live".

    The following recommendation is given for the initial staking process:

    1. 0.1 token (literally, not 10% of the account's tokens) is staked for RAM. By default, cleosstakes 8 KB of RAM on account creation, paid by the account creator. In the initial staking, the eosio account is the account creator doing the staking. Tokens staked during the initial token staking process cannot be unstaked and made liquid until after the minimum voting requirements have been met.
    2. 0.45 token is staked for CPU, and 0.45 token is staked for network.
    3. The next available tokens up to 9 total are held as liquid tokens.
    4. Remaining tokens are staked 50/50 CPU and network.
    Example 1. accountnum11 has 100 SYS. It will be staked as 0.1000 SYS on RAM; 45.4500 SYS on CPU; 45.4500 SYS on network; and 9.0000 SYS held for liquid use.

    Example 2. accountnum33 has 5 SYS. It will be staked as 0.1000 SYS on RAM; 0.4500 SYS on CPU; 0.4500 SYS on network; and 4.0000 SYS held for liquid use.

    To make the tutorial more realistic, we distribute the 1B tokens to accounts using a Pareto distribution. The Pareto distribution models an 80-20 rule, e.g., in this case, 80% of the tokens are held by 20% of the population. The examples here do not show how to generate the distribution, focusing instead on the commands to do the staking. The script that accompanies this tutorial uses the Python NumPy (numpy) library to generate a Pareto distribution.

    Create a staked account
    Use the following steps to stake tokens for each account. These steps must be done individually for each account.

    The key pair is created here for this tutorial. In a "live" scenario, the key value(s) and token share for an account should already be established through some well-defined out-of-band process.

    $ cleos create key # for accountnum11
    Private key: 5K7EYY3j1YY14TSFVfqgtbWbrw3FA8BUUnSyFGgwHi8Uy61wU1o
    Public key: EOS8mUftJXepGzdQ2TaCduNuSPAfXJHf22uex4u41ab1EVv9EAhWt

    $ cleos wallet import 5K7EYY3j1YY14TSFVfqgtbWbrw3FA8BUUnSyFGgwHi8Uy61wU1o
    imported private key for: EOS8mUftJXepGzdQ2TaCduNuSPAfXJHf22uex4u41ab1EVv9EAhWt

    Create a staked account with initial resources and public key.

    $ cleos system newaccount eosio --transfer accountnum11 EOS8mUftJXepGzdQ2TaCduNuSPAfXJHf22uex4u41ab1EVv9EAhWt --stake-net "100000.0000 SYS" --stake-cpu "100000.0000 SYS"
    775292ms thread-0 main.cpp:419 create_action ] result: {"binargs":"0000000000ea30551082d4334f4d113200200000"} arg: {"code":"eosio","action":"buyrambytes","args":{"payer":"eosio","receiver":"accountnum11","bytes":8192}}
    775295ms thread-0 main.cpp:419 create_action ] result: {"binargs":"0000000000ea30551082d4334f4d113200ca9a3b00000000045359530000000000ca9a3b00000000045359530000000001"} arg: {"code":"eosio","action":"delegatebw","args":{"from":"eosio","receiver":"accountnum11","stake_net_quantity":"100000.0000 SYS","stake_cpu_quantity":"100000.0000 SYS","transfer": true}}
    executed transaction: fb47254c316e736a26873cce1290cdafff07718f04335ea4faa4cb2e58c9982a 336 bytes 1799 us
    # eosio <= eosio::newaccount {"creator":"eosio","name":"accountnum11","owner":{"threshold":1,"keys":[{"key":"EOS8mUftJXepGzdQ2TaC...
    # eosio <= eosio:: buyrambytes {"payer":"eosio","receiver":"accountnum11","bytes":8192}
    # eosio <= eosio:: clelegatebw {"from":"eosio","receiver":"accountnum11","stake_net_quantity":"100000.0000 SYS","stake_cpu_quantity...

    Select the producers
    Some set of the accounts created will be registered as producers. Choose some set of the staked accounts to be producers.

    Register as a producer
    Use the following command to register as a producer. This makes the node a candidate to be a producer, but the node will not actually be a producer unless it is elected.

    $ cleos system regproducer accountnum11 EOS8mUftJXepGzdQ2TaCduNuSPAfXJHf22uex4u41ab1EVv9EAhWt
    1487984ms thread-0 main.cpp:419 create_action ] result: {"binargs":"1082d4334f4d11320003fedd01e019c7e91cb07c724c614bbf644a36eff83a861b36723f29ec81dc9bdb4e68747470733a2f2f6163636f756e746e756d31312e636f6d2f454f53386d5566744a586570477a64513254614364754e7553504166584a48663232756578347534316162314556763945416857740000"} arg: {"code":"eosio","action":"regproducer","args":{"producer":"accountnum11","producer_key":"EOS8mUftJXepGzdQ2TaCduNuSPAfXJHf22uex4u41ab1EVv9EAhWt","url":"","location":0}}
    executed transaction: 4ebe9258bdf1d9ac8ad3821f6fcdc730823810a345c18509ac41f7ef9b278e0c 216 bytes 896 us
    # eosio <= eosio::regproducer {"producer":"accountnum11","producer_key":"EOS8mUftJXepGzdQ2TaCduNuSPAfXJHf22uex4u41ab1EVv9EAhWt","u...

    List the producers
    To facilitate the voting process, list the available producers.

    $ cleos system listproducers
    Producer Producer key Url Scaled votes
    accountnum11 EOS8mUftJXepGzdQ2TaCduNuSPAfXJHf22uex4u41ab1EVv9EAhWt 0.0000
    accountnum22 EOS5kgeCLuQo8MMLnkZfqcBA3GRFgQsPyDddHWmXceRLjRX8LJRaH 0.0000
    accountnum33 EOS63CnoyfeEQDjXXxwywN5PPKW7RYHC9tbtmvb8vFBGZooktz7kG 0.0000
    accountnum44 EOS6kBaCHrvz7VdUfFBLrLdhNjXYaKBmRkpDXU9PhbEUiHbspr7rz 0.0000

    Start the producers
    Use the following command to start the producers. Recall that in this tutorial, all of the producers are running on a single server, so command line arguments are used to ensure each producer is using its own directory.

    In a separate window for each producer, run the following nodeos command, adjusting the command line arguments for each producer.

    $ nodeos --genesis-json ~/eosio_test/accountnum11/genesis.json --block-log-dir ~/eosio_test/accountnum11/blocks --config-dir ~/eosio_test/accountnum11/ --data-dir ~/eosio_test/accountnum11/ --http-server-address --p2p-listen-endpoint --enable-stale-production --producer-name accountnum11 --private-key '[ "EOS8mUftJXepGzdQ2TaCduNuSPAfXJHf22uex4u41ab1EVv9EAhWt","5K7EYY3j1YY14TSFVfqgtbWbrw3FA8BUUnSyFGgwHi8Uy61wU1o" ]' --plugin eosio:: producer_plugin --plugin eosio:: chain_api_plugin --plugin eosio::http_plugin --plugin eosio::history_api_plugin --p2p-peer-address localhost:9022 --p2p-peer-address localhost:9033 --p2p-peer-address localhost:9044

    Note that until all producers are up, connection error messages such as the following will be generated.

    1826099ms thread-0 net_plugin.cpp:2927 plugin_startup ] starting listener, max clients is 25
    1826099ms thread-0 net_plugin.cpp:676 connection ] created connection to localhost:9022
    1826099ms thread-0 net_plugin.cpp:1948 connect ] host: localhost port: 9022
    1826099ms thread-0 net_plugin.cpp:676 connection ] created connection to localhost:9033
    1826099ms thread-0 net_plugin.cpp:1948 connect ] host: localhost port: 9033
    1826099ms thread-0 net_plugin.cpp:676 connection ] created connection to localhost:9044
    1826099ms thread-0 net_plugin.cpp:1948 connect ] host: localhost port: 9044
    1826100ms thread-0 net_plugin.cpp:1989 operator() ] connection failed to localhost:9022: Connection refused
    1826100ms thread-0 net_plugin.cpp:1989 operator() ] connection failed to localhost:9033: Connection refused
    1826100ms thread-0 net_plugin.cpp:1989 operator() ] connection failed to localhost:9044: Connection refused

    For convenience, the following command lines can be copied to run nodeos in separate shell windows for accounts accountnum22, accountnum33, and accountnum44. If you run these, you can see how multiple nodes respond when running in a peer-to-peer configuration. This assumes that accounts have been staked using the relevant key pairs (the key pairs can be seen in each of the command lines below).

    $ nodeos --genesis-json ~/eosio_test/accountnum22/genesis.json --block-log-dir ~/eosio_test/accountnum22/blocks --config-dir ~/eosio_test/accountnum22/ --data-dir ~/eosio_test/accountnum22/ --http-server-address --p2p-listen-endpoint --enable-stale-production --producer-name accountnum22 --private-key '[ "EOS5kgeCLuQo8MMLnkZfqcBA3GRFgQsPyDddHWmXceRLjRX8LJRaH","5Jh4rseyguLx5Y7KE2oLL81PRmDcyyzbyyyJd3GvdHijKqENbRk" ]' --plugin eosio:: producer_plugin --plugin eosio:: chain_api_plugin --plugin eosio::http_plugin --p2p-peer-address localhost:9011 --p2p-peer-address localhost:9033 --p2p-peer-address localhost:9044
    $ nodeos --genesis-json ~/eosio_test/accountnum33/genesis.json --block-log-dir ~/eosio_test/accountnum33/blocks --config-dir ~/eosio_test/accountnum33/ --data-dir ~/eosio_test/accountnum33/ --http-server-address --p2p-listen-endpoint --enable-stale-production --producer-name accountnum33 --private-key '[ "EOS63CnoyfeEQDjXXxwywN5PPKW7RYHC9tbtmvb8vFBGZooktz7kG","5JWp5K24x5dbAFBNP7hwzSRS7XjD7wjHL4nrAwSLdRuJnERjgqB" ]' --plugin eosio:: producer_plugin --plugin eosio:: chain_api_plugin --plugin eosio::http_plugin --p2p-peer-address localhost:9011 --p2p-peer-address localhost:9022 --p2p-peer-address localhost:9044
    $ nodeos --genesis-json ~/eosio_test/accountnum44/genesis.json --block-log-dir ~/eosio_test/accountnum44/blocks --config-dir ~/eosio_test/accountnum44/ --data-dir ~/eosio_test/accountnum44/ --http-server-address --p2p-listen-endpoint --enable-stale-production --producer-name accountnum44 --private-key '[ "EOS6kBaCHrvz7VdUfFBLrLdhNjXYaKBmRkpDXU9PhbEUiHbspr7rz","5KeGoDkbhEdkZTpYqQg2rPZvtxqfWAtGgixuCLUt1Dmoq4NmXCj" ]' --plugin eosio:: producer_plugin --plugin eosio:: chain_api_plugin --plugin eosio::http_plugin --p2p-peer-address localhost:9011 --p2p-peer-address localhost:9022 --p2p-peer-address localhost:9033

    The genesis node genesis.json file
    This also expects that the genesis.json file, e.g, see below, has been copied to the respective account directories.

    "initial_timestamp": "2018-03-02T12:00:00.000",
    "initial_key": "EOS8Znrtgwt8TfpmbVpTKvA2oB8Nqey625CLN8bCN3TEbgx86Dsvr",
    "initial_configuration": {
    "max_block_net_usage": 1048576,
    "target_block_net_usage_pct": 1000,
    "max_transaction_net_usage": 524288,
    "base_per_transaction_net_usage": 12,
    "net_usage_leeway": 500,
    "context_free_discount_net_usage_num": 20,
    "context_free_discount_net_usage_den": 100,
    "max_block_cpu_usage": 100000,
    "target_block_cpu_usage_pct": 500,
    "max_transaction_cpu_usage": 50000,
    "min_transaction_cpu_usage": 100,
    "max_transaction_lifetime": 3600,
    "deferred_trx_expiration_window": 600,
    "max_transaction_delay": 3888000,
    "max_inline_action_size": 4096,
    "max_inline_action_depth": 4,
    "max_authority_depth": 6,
    "max_generated_transaction_count": 16
    "initial_chain_id": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
    Note: Output from each node is captured in the file stderr within that node's working directory, e.g., ./nodes/accountnum44/stderr. By default, the nodes started by the script continue to run. Care must be taken to avoid the disk filling from 30+ nodes running simultaneously, each separately writing its output to a file in the file system.

    Vote for producers
    Voting for producers can begin as accounts are staked and producers are registered.

    The following command enables votes to be cast.

    $ cleos system voteproducer prods accountnum23 accountnum11 accountnum33

    In this example, account accountnum23 has voted for accountnum11 and accountnum33. Block production does not begin until 15% of the available votes have been voted.

    Producers can claim rewards
    Producers can claim rewards after 150,000,000 tokens have been staked. Strategies for selecting the optimal time to claim rewards no doubt vary greatly. This tutorial does not cover that topic.

    Use the following to claim rewards.

    $ cleos system claimrewards accountnum33

    Register proxies and proxy voting
    An account can register to be a proxy for voting purposes. Other accounts can then delegate their votes to the proxy account.

    Register as a voting proxy. In this example, proxyvoter11 is being set up to act as a proxy voter.

    $ cleos system regproxy proxyvoter11

    Now other accounts can delegate their votes to be voted by proxyvoter11:

    $ cleos system voteproducer proxy accountnum24 proxyvoter11
    $ cleos system voteproducer proxy accountnum34 proxyvoter11

    Here, accounts accountnum24 and accountnum34 have proxied their votes to proxyvoter11.

    eosio resigns
    Once producers have been elected and the minimum number requirements have been met, the eosio account can resign, leaving the eosio.msig account as the only privileged account.

    Resigning is basically involves setting the keys of the eosio.* accounts to null. Use the following command to clear the eosio.* accounts' owner and active keys:

    $ cleos push action eosio updateauth '{"account": "eosio", "permission": "owner", "parent": "", "auth": {"threshold": 1, "keys": [], "waits": [], "accounts": [{"weight": 1, "permission": {"actor": "eosio.prods", "permission": "active"}}]}}' -p eosio@owner
    $ cleos push action eosio updateauth '{"account": "eosio", "permission": "active", "
    #1 eos to the moon, 9/6/18
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 9/6/18

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