AE mua coin nào hold coin nào

Thảo luận trong 'Top 100 coin' bắt đầu bởi haihungnguyen, 11/6/19. Trả lời: 40,332 Xem: 916,868.

  1. tLIT51
    /p linngười anh em
  2. StetivenDhhiep
    /p xr__:khungkhiep
  3. sontinguyhhen
    Ae đón btc ở 109 nhé
    Nhanh nào

    Ae đang cầm alt nhảy sang btc thôi
  4. KeytiOffihhce2
    Lên lại k bác
    Mà nhảy
  5. sontinguyhhen
    Đáy 109::c))))))))))))))))))))))))
  6. NgutiynnghhMin
  7. sontinguyhhen
    Xa lắmVùng hỗ trợ 109x khá mạnh đấy
  8. NgutiynnghhMin
    Welcome To 9K2 and 8K1
  9. sontinguyhhen
    Bác đợi đi,,,hê
  10. NgutiynnghhMin
    thì đợi hết tuần này mà
    ngâm USDT lâu rồi đây
  11. sontinguyhhen
    Chưa chắc có cơ hội dùng đâu bac
  12. NgutiynnghhMin
    Thì cứ đợi vậy, biết sao giờ :c))))
  13. sontinguyhhen

    Có thể giờ này sang năm
    Đợi là được mà
  14. DuytiTn
    Sao con link luôn đi ngược với các coin khác thế anh em nhỉ
  15. NgutiynnghhMin
    Không đến mức vậy đâu, nhìn cái nến ngày mới nến tuần là chả ngửi được rồi, dump nhanh thôi :c))))))))))))))))))))))))
  16. DuytiTn
  17. CrytiptoWhhhale
    General/alerts - Telegram channel for Social & Price Alerts/subscribe - Subscribe to Newsletter/homebase - CryptoAquarium Group/pro - get pro accessPrice Information/p <coin> - Checks prices of the coin/mp <coin> <coin> - get multiple prices/52w <coin> - get 52 week high and low/change <coin> - get the % changes over time intervals/ta <coin> <pair> <timeframe> <exchange> - get ta analysis of a coin/arb <coin> <pair> - get different exchanges pricing informationCheck Charts/c <coin> - Sends a chart of the last three days/cc <coin> - simple charts/ac <coin> <USD or BTC> <candle width> <# of periods> exchange optional/ch <coin> - get minute candles/cm <coins> - multicharts on one chart/ob <coin> - orderbooks of coins/roi <coin> - get the return on investment for a coin/ath <coin> - get the All time high price of a coin/atl <coin> - get the All time low price for a coin/market <coin> - find where to buy a coin/vol <coin> - see the top volume exchanges ordered by volume/mex <coin> - get bitmex charts/hmap <optional timeframe or # of coins> - get a heat map of top coins/vhmap - get a volume heat map/dom - get bitcoin dominance Chart/renko <coin> <pair> <timeframe> <exchange> - get a renko chartMarket Caps/cap <coin> - pulls the market cap and ranking of the coin/cap - shows the total market cap /best <# of coins> - shows best performing coins in top 100 last 24 hours/worst <# of coins> - shows worst peforming coins in last 24 hours/supply <coin> - shows total supply for a coin/index <range of 10's> <optional currency>- shows the top 10 coins by marketcapNews & Events/events - shows events going on today/events <coin> - shows events for that coin/future <# of days> - shows events in the future/ico <coin> - get ICO data/news - shows trending news/news <coin> - shows trending news on that coin/sum <url> <# of sentences> <language> - get a TL:c))))R for an articleInformation/github <coin> - find the number of github commits /bio <coin> - get a description of a coin/link <coin> - get links for a project/wp <coin> - get a coins whitepaper/pack - get a cryptogear pack/google <items> <months> - get google trends/mn <coin> - get Masternode information/calc <coin> <number> - Calculate the price of a quanity coin/gas - get the gas values for the ETH networkPro Functions/watch <coin> <percent> <optional pair> - watch a coin/watchlist - get your watchlist /target <coin> <value> <pair> - target watch/targetlist - get your target list/rsi <coin> <pair> <timeframe> <exchange> - get rsi alerts/listing_alerts - get new coins on exchange alertsTrading/bfx - get shorts vs long information/ta <coin> <pair> <timeframe> <exchange> - get ta on a coin/nvt <coin> - get NVT for a coin/vola <coin> <pair> <timeframe> <exchage> <Volatility #> - graph the Volatility for a coin/funding - get bitmex funding rates/funding_ch - get funding vs price chart/time - get open markets Mining/m <gpu> - get profitability for gpus/deals - get PC part dealsStocks/sp <stock> - get the price of a stock/sc <stock> - get a chart for a stockForex/fx <curr/curr> - get a currency quote/fxc <curr/curr> - get a forex chart for 5 days/fxhelp - get quoteable pairsUtil/trans <optional language> - reply to a message to translate it/transhelp - get shortcodes for supported languages Fun/lambo <coin> - see how many coins you need to buy a lambo/slap - slap a bad bot/whenmoon - wenmoon?/dumb - reply and mock someone/meme - get a random memeHow to Add/howtoadd - get help on how to add the bot to a groupPrivacy@Cryptowhalebot has privacy off so it will work with other bots
  18. CrytiptoWhhhale
    If privacy is a concern use please use @PrivacyWhaleBotRemove Ads/removeads - remove ads with this command/timeleft - check timeleft on subscriptionAdvertise/advertise - fill out this form to advertiseDeveloper /f <text> - send feedback to dev@IcebergyTwitter@CryptoWhaleBotTelegram CryptoGroup @CryptoAquariumDonateBTC: 17vQ855BujfNnFJjKuCxrgAeTC15BXspnHETH: 0xfd5147d436905855FE2FB14574645a1d84265565
  19. DuytiTn
    Rồi sm::c))))))))))))))))))))))))
  20. sontinguyhhen
    À e sho mà

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