AE mua coin nào hold coin nào

Thảo luận trong 'Top 100 coin' bắt đầu bởi haihungnguyen, 11/6/19. Trả lời: 40,332 Xem: 913,188.

  1. FartihanShhmartSapien
    Thanks @tbfleming :c))))))))))))))))))))))))
  2. AbhiFH6I
    Hey anyone knows how to parse json from transaction memos in smart contacts, I have seen the deposit functions in smart contracts using memos to send data in transfer actions
  3. PhitilEOShhNameSwaps
    Can a custom permission be created inline in the same action that creates the account? nodeos complains the authorizing account does not exist. I thought there was a leeway to handle this sequencing of events?? If not I will have to separate this into two actions.
  4. FartihanShhmartSapien
    Try not to do that because this create issue when converting memo substring to uint. Use another action to get data.
    I think there shouldn't be a problem because code execution is not asynchronous but synchronous and in your case, inline action should be able to create account for you then you can change permission from same action.
  5. PhitilEOShhNameSwaps
    I believed so too. If I comment out the final custom permission action the account is created with msig permissions fine. Just not the custom ones.
  6. AbhiFH6I
    Hmm seems reasonable, but I see all these dex'es using this approach
  7. SyetidEOShhCafeBlockBlok
    Actually I think youre mistaking the order
    An inline action is not synchronous
    It executes after current action is finished
  8. FartihanShhmartSapien
    Most of dex are old, so that's why using that approach and also consume more bandwidth.
  9. SyetidEOShhCafeBlockBlok
  10. AbhiFH6I
    But it makes them more robust, instead of getting funds deposited and than setting the data, people wanna just click a single transfer trigger through the Dex app and get their trade done. I am not sure about the technical implications for this tho
    As you said, it makes sense to giàng ơi that it might create an issue when parsing int from string
  11. SyetidEOShhCafeBlockBlok
    the result is the sam
  12. AbhiFH6I
    Even when they are on different accounts? Ex - one action on eosio.token and another on mycontract
  13. SyetidEOShhCafeBlockBlok
  14. FartihanShhmartSapien
  15. Shitieldy
    New User, please, press the button below within the time amount specified, otherwise you will be kicked. Thank you! (60 sec)
  16. ScutiberShhteve
    Thanks champ :blus
  17. Figtiozz
    Well we just went down like 15sats on binance lol. So much for a pump
    ___ we back:c))))
  18. Romtian
    Altcoin season has begu
  19. ZACtiHIMM
    We going down a bit , now worries
  20. DartirellhhH
    My dream is $50

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