Các vấn đề về sàn Binance

Thảo luận trong 'Sàn giao dịch' bắt đầu bởi tuandoxu, 12/6/19. Trả lời: 31,435 Xem: 866,694.

  1. HoatingMT
    @spear_demon shark đi lạc đâu đây :c))))))))))))))))))))))))
  2. BBQtiPilohhtWh
    Hỏi eng hay việt vậy a Việt :xl
  3. VietitHoahhng
    hi @beniaminmincu
    welcome to Binance Vietnam :wink:
  4. BentiiamihhnMi
    Great question. Elrond's vision is to enable anyone, anywhere to acess the digital economy. Our biggest challenge was to come up with an innovative solution that would offer 1000x improvement throughput and execution speed. With the testnet now live, Elrond has made an enormous leap forward.
  5. DaytiSandhhBox
    2. 13153162 - How do you mitigate if a malicious group creates a signed block with bad cross-shard transactions ?
  6. BentiiamihhnMi
    We mitigate a bad-block propagation by a scheme name block "K" finality. Block N is final only if block N+1, block N+2 … block N+K are signed. The Metachain only noterizes final blocks and shardblock only take into consideration final metachain block. No honest validator will constructs upon a bad block, so no bad block can be finalized, only if K consecutive times the same colluding malicious group is choosen by the random beacon. The probability for this is: ~10^-18, even if we consider that 33% of the nodes are colluding inside the same shard. Furthermore, we use Fisherman challenge as another extra layer of security, this means any honest node from the shard can challenge a block that it is incorrect. If the group is caught by a challenge, they get slashed. The probability of having NO honest node in a shard is 10^-211. More info about security here:
  7. BentiiamihhnMi
    Technology itself is not enough, but it is a good starting point. We aim for high throiughput and fast execution speed, and this will make all the difference. Beyond this we focused in parallel on the distrbituon side, and how to remove friction and get our solution in the hands of the masses. A line of new products and services developed by Elrond are already in the works that will address this part specifically. So first the tech matters, then community and distribution become deciding factors.
  8. BentiiamihhnMi
    Yes, we have a strong plan to add usage and value to Elrond. First, once we succeed to bring the performance we desire, everyone who will want performance will need the Elrond token to use the platform. Second, we will implement severak payment gateways so that people will be able to use Elrond everywhere, not only in the blockchain space. Third, we will build a strong ecosystem for startups to built on our platform and integrate the token. And forth, we will integrate with several exchanges and payment processors to bring Elrond to the masses. Staking will increase the demand in addition to everything mentioned above.We are also exploring some interesting new approaches to give the option to average users that are not staking, to support the network and earn rewards for doing that. it a new product we are working on already and it will be announced soon.
  9. BentiiamihhnMi
    Elrond does not currently have a privacy feature implemented, but we are in heavy research for all options. We plan to add this feature at a later date. The solution as we see it right now, will be based on the Zether paper, and handles both confidentiality (hidden amounts) and anonymity (hidden sender and receiver). There are some challenges left for optimization, but this is the general direction.
  10. BentiiamihhnMi
    When it comes to Proof of Work, we need to take into consideration the high energy cost, increased strain on the environment, increasing centralization of mining operations, and low transaction throughput which will likely make it obsolete in the long run. On the other hand PoS algorithms provide a more solid foundation for consensus with with low energy consumption and fast execution speed, which makes it the most compeling solution for the long run.
  11. VietitHoahhng
  12. BentiiamihhnMi
    Elrond's Secure Proof of Stake uses several layers of security schemes to prevent double spend, shard takeover, invalid transaction attacks, while keeping the whole system closely synchronized.Here are some of those:- Random sampling of nodes into shards at the end of each epoch- Random sampling of nodes to form the consensus group of 63. A modified BFT scheme is used, and 2/3 + 1 valid signatures are necessary to push a new block into the blockchain- Random number generator using BLS single signature scheme- Fisherman challenge. Any “node” can challenge a proposed block. The cost of an invalid challenge is the full fisherman stake. Fisherman challenge can be sent by sibling shard nodes as well, only one node from 800 has to be honest, and putting an invalid block can be challenged- Metachain only notarizes blocks from shards which are final - block finality KFor interoperability we are currently considering integrating Cosmos' IBC (Inter Blockchain Communication). Though our whole focus has been on shipping the current scalable version of the testnet and moving forward with cross-chain ineroperability once scalability is done.
  13. VietitHoahhng
    10. binance id: 15617882/ telegram id: 555999305/ email: trinhminh140692@gmail.com - 1. The previous Launchpad projects are successful, do you think your project will get the same success as them and your plan to use this Launchpad opportunity ? 2. What if ERD token price reduce after Binance Launchpad, do you have any solution for this situation ?
  14. BentiiamihhnMi
    Elrond has put a lot of effort into creating one of the most scalable platforms out there, so fundamentals are as strong as they can get. In addition to all of this we, we have also put a lot of work into communicating our vision publically and this is what marketing is good for. Along these two reasons, Elrond starts with a very modest capitalization - and a veyr significant upside for based on our execution. Binance is the most important exchange in the world, and we are honored to work with them to bring Elrond to the market.While we cannot control the price, we understand that prices reflect value, at least in the longer term. So we are very focused in bringing Elrond as a technology to real business and users. If we suceed in doing this, all the other things will fall into place. The community support and interest we are seeing is very encouraging.
  15. VietitHoahhng
    11. @Nguyenkhabanh1 : After Binance Launchpad, what is your next move to get more investors?
  16. BentiiamihhnMi
    Investors come in when they trust that a project can execute really well and capture the market. We have a very detalied plan of execution, and very detalied plan on the marketing side. Investors will follow those and take action based on what they see.We think at this point, Elrond is one of the most well positioned projects to capture the attention of the blockchain space in 2019 - that's why we focus on executing really well, and sharing all these information with the market through various communites, PR and marketing.
  17. VietitHoahhng
    12. Tohoai90@gmail.com - Do you take Vietnamese market is one of your top priority and have any plan to develop in the future ?
  18. BentiiamihhnMi
    Yes, we have a very clear plan of targeting specific regions, and Vietnam is undoubtedly on of the top ones.We are running several campaigns to raise awarness about Elrond in Vietnam, and will partner with several communities to grow the local community there. We will also invite vietnamese developers and business people to play with the technology and start building on Elrond.
  19. VietitHoahhng
  20. BentiiamihhnMi
    The Elrond project came as a response to what we thought were the most pressing problems in the blockchains space in 2017. And these were the issues of Scalability in particular. We now can deliver much more than we initially anticipated with peak TPS at of over 12K working right now. Once Elrond is live, we will help the blockchain space transition from dialup to broadband speed and performance, and this will change everything for the space.

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