Hội nghị thượng đỉnh blockchain Đông Á

Thảo luận trong 'Top 100 coin' bắt đầu bởi tuankhoihailua, 16/6/19. Trả lời: 29,915 Xem: 668,057.

  1. HVK1PG
    Up chen roi hả a:c))))))))))))))))))))))))
  2. ThotimasLhhai
  3. AnhtiGiaHhhong
    Dominance nhiêu rồi síp
  4. DuytiNguyhhn
    63.69 r bá:binhbitcoinb:binhbitcoin
    Làm cái long btc chơi
  6. TrncJ6W2
    :c)))))))))))))))))))))))) đè chết alts là có thật
  7. TrncJ6W2
    Lên xuống giàng ơi gì alts cũng chết haha
  8. ThotimasLhhai
    xuống rồi méo lên 67 đâu
    altcoin tăng quá giờ hồi về Ma rồi tăng lại
  9. TrncJ6W2
    Chắc ko síp :ok e nghi nó cho tụt xong delist 1 mơ coin rồi hốt giá /10 quá
  10. TrncJ6W2
    Mấy cái đó chỉ vip mới thấy à a
  11. ThotimasLhhai
    thím là vip hả:c))))))))))))))))))))))))
  12. tritieu
    hình như super
    bữa thấy chụp ổnh super vip hay gì ý
  13. TrncJ6W2
    có 1 tí vip ::c))))))))))))))))))))))))
  14. TrncJ6W2
    hên vãi, bắt dc vài con panic sell :xl
  15. ThotimasLhhai
    à à đợi 11h sắp có kèo
  16. TrncJ6W2
    big pump signal à a :ok
  17. ThotimasLhhai
    bên nhóm VIP của crypto B
  18. TrncJ6W2
    hóng sếp leak ::c))))))))))))))))))))))))
  19. ThotimasLhhai
    Dear members,1 day left until the Binance pump. At this moment the market is in a FOMO zone. This means that every little move an altcoin makes is followed by a lot of people that want to hedge Btc. Good examples were LINK and Matic. This is the perfect moment for a pump. The market is insecure and does not know what to do. "Sell Bitcoin? Altseason?" A lot of questions are being asked. This is the perfect time for us to act on that. If we manage to pump a coin above 70% tomorrow with a nice hold, outsiders will jump on instantly. Even better, this pump will be coördinated like back in the days. There will be a clear job for everyone. There will be a buy area and a sell area. Cloudflare is having Network Performance Issues, so the Discord is down for now. Keep inviting, tomorrow will be amazing. The pump team
    BIg pump thì ngày mai
    auto múc
  20. TrncJ6W2
    70%, chắc phải thắp nhang khấn nó pump đúng con mình hold

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