Hội nghị thượng đỉnh blockchain Đông Á

Thảo luận trong 'Top 100 coin' bắt đầu bởi tuankhoihailua, 16/6/19. Trả lời: 29,915 Xem: 669,295.

  1. HoatingMT
    Your competitors are very strong and most people are used to using it, single like ETH. Is this a big step, what are your plans for the project as well as the best support for investors and users?
  2. tritieu
    In near future, will your team have plan to IEO or fundraising to have fund for developing new features for project? And which exchange does your project aim to be listed?Dịch: Trong tương lai gần, đội ngũ của síp có kế hoạch IEO hay tập hợp quỹ hay để phát triển các tính năng mới cho dự án hay không? Sàn giao dịch nào mà dự án của sếp đang hướng đến để được lên sàn?
  3. ChetingAlhheph
    Alephium’s efficient and practical approach to DApps is to combine our token protocol, data protocol, and smart contracts. Token protocol and data protocol are naturally scaled to all shards. We support smart contracts in some of the shards called intra-group shards. DApps could benefit very much from our native cross-shard transactions without sacrificing the power of smart contracts. We also design our application protocol in a way to make it co-work well with currently existing centralized applications.
  4. AlosDQOI
    Most of the existing approaches follows a similar approach using validators and periodical resharding mechanism. However, this approach is very hard to implement and suffers from security issues. Alephium’s scalable algorithm follows the evolution of computing architecture by combining DAG and sharing. DAG guarantees cross-shard security while sharding provides scalability. What’s more, Alephium’s algorithm is much easier to implement and to prove its security.
  5. ThotiPhng
    Alephium is known to allow developers to build applications that support high concurrent scenarios while maintaining the complete functionality of Turing's smart contracts. How did Alephium do it?
  6. 1TMJ5S
    What is Blockflow algorithm? What is it special about it that you choose, but not other algorithms, what benefit does it have for users? @Alephium
  7. Mastiterkhhu
    Hi for Alephium
    I see in your website
  8. tritieu
    xong 4 câu r đợt tlời và đợi chấm của síp
  9. Mastiterkhhu
    Alep is the first scalable blockchain platform
    Support cross shard transaction nativr
  10. VintihThehhNgu
  11. tittiichuhht
    How is Alephium different from the other sharding projects ? @tytyty321
  12. Mastiterkhhu
    Can you explan about cross shard transaction native?????
  13. KhotingDuhhyVI
    wow, it's make Alephium special.
  14. HuotibiFahhn10
    Rồi có list huobi hay sàn to nào ko
  15. ChetingAlhheph
    That's a good question. Probably you have seen a lot of project claiming they are doing sharding. However, for example, Zilliqa is not fully sharded, and Ethereum 2.0 is still work in progress. Alephium is really ready for today because we have a complete algorithm workable in our whitepaper. We have implemented our Alpha version as well. Later, when I got time, I will share our Demo in this group. Thanks!
  16. HuotibiFahhn10
    Hay lại list coinal nhi8haha
  17. HuntigHunhhg
    In your protocol, you support creating and deleting custom tokens. You want to make the token as easy as possible, so do you think if this makes many empty tokens make resources wasteful? And how to fix this?
  18. KhotingDuhhyVI
    We want to know how you guys can solve the single-shard takeover attack (called 1% attack in the past)?
  19. AnhtiKhoa
    Thanks for that information.
    The game field is currently used by many other currencies, so do you think it will create a breakthrough to attract investors?

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