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Thảo luận trong 'Top 100 coin' bắt đầu bởi phatintuyhhen, 16/6/19. Trả lời: 60,018 Xem: 1,324,557.

  1. ChrtiistihhnaJ
    You can think of it as a platform admin token. People invest it for 2 reasons 1) people believe there is a strong demand from the market (which it does) 2) UAT platform users need the token to perform many operations like check balance, switch investment, early redemption, payment, transfer and etc.
    We don’t want to release tokens based on the timeline. We want to release tokens when there is more market demand for the tokens. So we choose mining way: users can get UAT as rewards for investing our products.
    We are a digital asset management service platform instead of blockchain technology company:c)))))))))))))))))))))))) Please don't get this wrong
  2. HantiLiu
    1. UAT is a global platform, so we will glady reach out and work with communities around the world as long as regulation and jurisdictions allow. Even back in my time at Bitmax we had highly valued the Vietnam community, which we intend to continue working closely with at 2. UAT. 2. Market downturn is always a double-edged sword for start ups, as investors are looking for alternatives, and start-ups if operated well can thrive from this shift of investor focus, so I actually don't really believe the current market trend is bad for UAT at all. Similar to traditional finance, when investors fail to generate revenue themselvs in bearish markets, many resort to asset managers who have more expertise. I hope to position UAT well in this market and take it as an opporunity
  3. ChrtiistihhnaJ
    Our biggest strenghts are 1) Asset security. Security is always our priority, funds are not allowed to be transferred in any way.2) Level of expertise. As I mentiond our core teams of trading, technology, and operations are from Wall Street traditional finance with a solid experience in quant trading, highly efficient operations, and digital asset investment.3) Our unique advantage with client acquisition. To start with, we have a large user base leveraging our strategic partnership with Bitmax.io which leads a large demand of UAT tokens4) We have Innovative token economics. Our investors can utilize UAT token to pay for all the inquiry, transfer, redemption, purchase, and other admin operational services on the platform.
  4. QingZ8BT
    1. We will contact more exchanges to get UAT listed. For each top-tier exchange UAT been listed, 5% of presale(private+public sale) tokens will be released. And the corresponding tokens for mining and team will be permanently lock-up.2. Service fee will display on our product page. Each product has its own service fee.
  5. MintihThahhiVB
    Everyone, please do not misunderstand those similar names, Ultrain/Ultra with UltrAlpha (our special honored project in the AMA tonight)
  6. ChrtiistihhnaJ
    UAT platform will rely on top-tier 3rd party custody to safeguard client’s asset. The assert managers/trading teams are essentially strategy providers. And to ensure security, they won’t have full ownership of the accounts or the investor’s money so that funds wouldn’t be transferred in any way. We, as the service platform, do not provide any investment advice for the investors, but have ownership over the accounts. Details will be fully disclosed on our website, to provide full transparency.
    Thanks for the clarification Minh Thai:c))))))))))))))))))))))))
  7. MintihThahhiVB
  8. HantiLiu
    I see a few ways UAT tokens can appreciate value. 1.) Balancing deflation and inflation in token circulation. UAT's economic model creates several scenarios where tokens will be removed from circulation via permanemtn lock up, such as Bitmax trading comission lock-up, UAT token concumpstions on the platform, as well as setting aside 10% profit for every fund on the platform for buying UAT in secondary market, which will be permanently locke-up 2. ) With the growth of the platform. With more user activiites, more UAT tokens will be consumed and demands for tokens will increase. Plus, I believe a successful platform will naturally build faith in investors which will be reflected on the token price 3) Listing on external changes. UAT will continue working with top-tier exchanges for future listings. Listing will attract buy demand and could potentially enrough token appreciation
  9. ChrtiistihhnaJ
    Since we believe the large demand already exists, we are confident to increase adoption by launching quality products on the service platform and demonstrate ourselves as a professional player by attracting organic awareness and adoption from both the investors and the asset managers. We are now on track with the roadmap in white paper. We will officially launch our first products within this well. Next step is to bring more quality investment products on board while increasing awareness of our service platform. For whitepaper please check out our website https://ultralpha.io/#/home
  10. HantiLiu
    First of all, big players entering a new market will always pose a threat to existing start-ups, this is true in all industries and we don't intend to overlook that. That being said, our advantages are also clear 1.) A much smaller company size means we can be much more adaptive to changes. This is especitally important in crypto industry know for its fast-pace. I used to work at the larget asset manager in the world, Blackrock which has 10k+ employees. A symbol database table changes sometimes require a 2-week approval cycle. 2.) We have much more in-depth knowledge in the crypto space.
    Yes. Performing certain operations such as redemption and compex queries will consume UAT tokens. Details are not finalized yet and will be revealed in future releases. most basic operations will be free, of course. Consumed UAT tokens will be subjec to permanent lock-up
  11. QingZ8BT
    Total supply now is 350M UAT(as we already permanently locked 150 M UAT). 320 M UAT is unreleased now. Only listing on top-tier exchanges and investing UAT products can get UAT released. Transactions fee of UAT/USDT and UAT/BTC will be paid in UAT and be subject to permanently lock-up. Also there are many other ways to consume UAT and all consumption will be permanently lock-up as well.
  12. ChrtiistihhnaJ
    UAT tokens will be consumed to perform various actions on the platform, such as redemption and complex queries on invesment products. Most common actions will not consume UAT okens, more details will be revaled in later releases. The main idea behined the design of the UAT token’s economic model is to balance token inflation — which tends to enroughage depreciation of token values — with deflation — which has the reverse effect of encouraging token value appreciation. This way we hope the ecosystem will maintain the token values according with the growth of the platform, so that it provides a long-term benefit to token holders and serve as a rewarding mechanism for our token investors.
  13. HantiLiu
    It's a very simple application of basic economy principle - Increasing token supplies tend to decrease token price, where as decreasing token supplies tend to increase token price. I think inflation is one major issue in most ICO projects that has an un-lock schedule, and we all see the effect that - with every large release of tokens, token prices tend to drop. UAT token economics have many scenarios where tokens will be taken out of circulation (i.e, permanment lock-up) to blance the inflation incurred from future token releases. The idea is to maintain and appreciate the token in the long-term, so that UAT can maintain a strong token going forwad
    We have about 10 people right now. We plan to expand future according with the developement of our platform
  14. ChrtiistihhnaJ
    Service fees means that investors can utilize UAT token as the platform currency to pay for all services on the UAT platform, for example inquiry, transfer, redemption, purchase and other administrative operational services. All UAT paid to the platform as payment for services will be deposited in for payment will be subject to permanent lock-up.There is also the loyalty rewards: As part of the loyalty reward, if users carry out a certain volume of transactions, they would be entitled to certain rebates of transaction fees (to be paid in UAT).And in order to promote long term ecosystem development of the UAT platform, all third-party service providers on the UAT platform would be required to set aside 10% of earnings to promote ecosystem participation.
  15. QingZ8BT
    BitMax and UltrAlpha are strategic partners. BitMax's CEO and founder George Cao is UAT's token economic designer. Leveraging BitMax's strong data base and backup, UltrAlpha can expand markets easier.
  16. HantiLiu
    1. I myself worked in the wall street for years before joining the crypto industry in 2018. Comparing my past life with the digital assetment asset management space, I see a huge lack of professional platforms that provide transparency and consistency of data. UAT from day one will be as transparent to users as possible with regard to our fund selction process, PnL data calculation, risk metrics, risk control, etc, so we can build and maintain trust from users. I think this is very important for the platform to grow
  17. Contitenthhosm
    How is UAT different from other projects in the crypto space? And what problems UAT intends to solve in terms of achieving mass adoption if in the coming months? What are your short term goals and what are your plans to accomplish those goals?
  18. PintikeyThhheB
    1 Let giàng ơi ask how many partners Ultrapha has and where do they grow? With the growth of Ultrapha, Ultrapha surely has many partners.2 Does UltrAlpha plan to incorporate a few new businesses in the future?
  19. doltiphinhhSue
    1 Can you tell giàng ơi some strategic investor of UAT?2 What is the main focusing of UAT on September? @XuQing @han_liu_uat @chrisjinjin
  20. shitinichhhikudo
    Do you target only crypto enterprises? What about the real-world companies, do you have any strategies on how to implement crypto payments in their usual business processes? @chrisjinjin @XuQing @han_liu_uat

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