Kèo IEO càng ngày càng rủi ro

Thảo luận trong 'Top 100 coin' bắt đầu bởi phatintuyhhen, 16/6/19. Trả lời: 60,018 Xem: 1,342,036.

  1. MintihThahhiVB
    Hello @cobrascobras , very honor to have you here for this AMA.
  2. TobtiySimhhpso
    I'm looking forward to talking to you all!
  3. MintihThahhiVB
    I know Fetch.AI is a very well-known project.
  4. MintihThahhiVB
    But now you can take a chance to have a brief introduction about Fetch.AI once again for Vietnam community
    And about yourself as well?
  5. TobtiySimhhpso
    Wonderful! I'm Toby, CTO and co-founder of Fetch.ai. In my background I've developed computer games, worked in the fields of Artificial Life and AI and spent a couple of years at DeepMind as their head of Software Design.
    We started Fetch.ai because life is complicated: there are more and more moving parts, and the responsibility for managing them has become your problem. We believed that there is a better way: breaking the parts down into digital entities that we call "Autonomous Economic Agents" and bringing those entities to *life*. They would live in an environment that learnt how to connect them together so that they could transact --
    -- this would make the economy more efficient, and we'd get more value out of fewer things. Doing something like this, though, is complicated and we had to create a number of innovations. These include our unique smart ledger, our approach to consensus and all of the AI and machine learning required to connect all these agents together.
    Ultimately, we want problems so solve themselves, without human intervention: transforming supply chains, transportation, energy, asset management and more. Making the world work for you, rather than you working for the world.
    Crypto provides some of the building blocks for making this happen: it gave us scale, computing power, a method of value exchange and digital identity. Combining this with AI and multi-agent systems led to Fetch.ai. We're now at beta and really excited about what's going on as people are using it to get real work done -- bridging the gap between the real and the digital worlds!
  6. MintihThahhiVB
    Wow, such an inspiration and passionate introduction, dear Mr. Toby Simpson.
    Are you ready for our questions from the community? @cobrascobras ?
  7. TobtiySimhhpso
  8. jimtinguyhhen
    DAG-based cryptocurrencies are trying to prove their scalability is applicable, but no project has been successful. For example, IOTA is using Tangle - a branch of DAG currently facing challenges in node propagation and security. How will Fetch.AI solve this problem?
  9. JultiiaMehhrvi
    Are you working on considering to make cross-chain interaction for Fetch? example: with metahash, they already have cross-chain with ethereum
  10. anotinymohhus
    How will you solve the transaction conflict problem of packed transactions from different blocks?
    How Fetch AI technology will je applied in electrical vehicle to solve traffic?
  11. HuotingLahhn
    We are waiting for the official mainnet version of Fetch.AI. When will the mainnet be completed? How has things progressed? I hope to see FET to the moonFetch.AI combines AI and Blockchain technology. So what does this combination bring? How will artificial intelligence (AI) help Blockchain?What is special about Three Layers Technology? How does the Three Layer solve the problems that Fetch.AI raises?
  12. SkyX384
    1. How does Fetch.AI compete with projects that work on high TPS, DAG Data Structure? And What makes Fetch.AI different?2. What are the highlights on the Fetch.AI project?3. What does Fetch.AI ecosystem include? What all problems Fetch.AI will solve in Crypto market?
  13. PHAtiMTAN
    What is the potential of combining blockchain and artificial intelligence (AI)? What are the achievements of Fetch.AI in this combination?
  14. Haptipyymhhe
    Hello sir what can we expect from Aquila Mainnet? What is the inspiration behind innovative solutions like My easy charge and furthermore? @cobrascobras
  15. tritieu
    Q: Smart Ledger is an unique and innovative feature of Fetch Ai to resolve the problem of scalability, stability as well as other existing problems. So, to do this, what does it have? What are differences of it compared to other ledgers?
  16. YukiLWNS
    Why fetch headquarters are situated in UK and Cambridge, how it helps you to develop a project, do u meet interesting persons or work with students or professors? @cobrascobras
  17. Yultiia
    Fetch AI agents could potentially be used for trading and an example would be that of crypto market makers. But would it be feasible to use an agent for exchange-performing statistical arbitrage and communicating with each other for interexchange arbitration?
  18. Comtibot
    :rocket: PHAM TAN vừa lên cấp 3! Chúc mừng nhé :c))))
  19. KintigYodhha
    How does Fetch AI compete with projects that boast a high number of transactions per second (TPS) Eg. Quarkchain, Harmony , Zilliqa and have a directed acyclic graph (DAG) data structure?
  20. AustitinMhhark
    Will alpha mainnet implement the consensus model or already implemented amd how it will works ?
    How will Fetch plan on funding the future cost of running the foundation and paying wages to the large team? Will you set up any sustaining treasury, if not then how?
    Google is also doing the same but for free they don't need of a Tolkien than why fetch need ? In which way FET is better than google project ?

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