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Thảo luận trong 'Top 100 coin' bắt đầu bởi phatintuyhhen, 16/6/19. Trả lời: 60,018 Xem: 1,343,942.

  1. PiotitrK
    Q1: What is the difference between your improved explorer and the standard ETH explorer?Q2: Etch sounds like ETH, what exactly is the difference?Q3: Etch is growing and it will be easy to solve bigger problems - what exactly are we going to be able to solve?
  2. Joxties
    Is FET currently focused on a region of the world? which countries are suitable to expand rapidly Could you give us a summary of the successes achieved in the Alpha and beta testnet? Were there changes to the initial idea?
  3. NgutiynKhhhang
    1. In the current bear market, what is the Team's plan to build trust for investors to trust and hold long-term Fet tokens?2. What are the plans after the Mainet Team to attract dapps built and developed on Fet AI platform? How many dapps are currently active? @cobrascobras
  4. davtiidhohhang
    4. Can you please highlight more on the decentralization aspect using your technology. Also in the future, is it possible to quantify the level of decentralization and economic incentivization?
  5. ARTtiEMMahhlan
    A distinctive feature of Cardano is its functional programming language. What can you say about the prospects for using functional programming in Fetch?
  6. NgutiynDuhhyBo
    I have heard that now Fetch allows the multi-billion dollar steel industry to be able to manage itself, allowing the supply chain to run automatically from raw materials to consumption. So, could fetch future help major industries around the world apply AI technology in production? How is it done?
  7. KintigYodhha
    Which countries is Fetch AI currently focusing on for growth? Are markets with Big data sources like India and China your target markets?
  8. MintihQuahhn
    I am very impressed with the amount of FET tokens generated, a number that is hard to remember! What is the issue that makes Fetch.AI issue tokens with so many different numbers (1.152.997.575)? Did Fetch.AI have had a very careful calculation before?
  9. ThotiPhng
    Fetch is an AI protocol layer that allows economic activities to take place. So which mechanism of Fetch helps these activities take place in the most transparent and effective way?
  10. tritieu
    Q: Privacy is important to many users but a privacy-related blockchain project is very sensitive with regulation. So, does Fetch AI have plan to add privacy feature? If yes, how will your team balance this?
  11. Newtibie
    What is the biggest solution that FET is facing and solving? Does that problem have a project done or not?
  12. Statinislhhav
    @cobrascobras Fetch is a sector agnostic, but how fetch technology can be used in everyday life of an ordinary man?
  13. TradeCoach
    How do you feel about competition from other blockchains? A focus or an afterthought from your perspective?What were the major difficulties that you faced while starting this Fetch AI project ? And what was your motivation to continue ?
  14. TomtiMot
    How confident is FET competitive? Numerous types of blockchains are on the market, like AI-integrated blockchain or ML(Machine Learning) blockchain, Cross Consensus Algorithm supported blockchain for business application. As a part of team, you sure likely to focus on competitive projects. I would like to hear your opinion.
  15. CootilHi
    Has your application been used and tested by a government or organization?Currently some countries in Asia have strict laws about cryptocurrencies so do you have any plans to bring your technology to them?What are the shortcomings as well as the major unresolved errors of FETAI when applied in practical applications? Tell us a few pointsWhat was the biggest achievement you achieved in the last quarter? and will Fetai soon have any breakthrough?
  16. LXutinNghhha
    There is an opinion that Fetch.AI wants to expand the size of its research team to accelerate the progress of the project, however, they should publicly and update the team members' profiles correctly on LinkedIn instead. because listing members' names only on their LinkedIn. This may cause investors and the community to ask questions about the solidarity and commitment of the team members. What do you think about this?
  17. ThutiyNguhhyen
    Who is fet.al leading competitor. What are the highlights of the project to overcome its competitors?
  18. PHAtiMTAN
    Who are the target customers of Fetch.AI? Does Fetch.AI receive good reviews on products from those customers?
  19. davtiidhohhang
    5. Currently, what are risks affecting the Fetch.AI project? In order to develop project in long term and attract investors, which method do you use to manage, minimize the negative impact of risks? I mean that, what are the risks and how do you deal with them?
  20. Haptipyymhhe
    Fetch is nailing it through its achievements, what truly inspires you?

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