Kèo IEO càng ngày càng rủi ro

Thảo luận trong 'Top 100 coin' bắt đầu bởi phatintuyhhen, 16/6/19. Trả lời: 60,018 Xem: 1,413,022.

  1. GiltiadRahhz
    Hello everybody, great to be here again!HOW ARE YOU DOINGGG?
  2. LThiCFYH
    How are you? Long time no see bro
  3. HoatingMT
    always fine. nice to see you again
  4. KyltieNguhhyen
    Everyone has passed the quiz exam about BOK ecosytem @GiladBlockium
  5. MintihThahhiVB
    24 hours on fire with Blockium quiz :dkmsml::dkmsml::dkmsml:so hot here in VBC.
    Hi everyone, please welcome @GiladBlockium again coming to our community VBC, to introduce new incentive mechanism of Blockium, which we already learnt some in our quiz in the past 24 hours.
  6. GiltiadRahhz
    I'm great guys, thanks for asking. Well was pretty much busy this taking care of the project, we have a company to run here. But anyways was looking forward to coming back and tell you about the HUGE developments about the Blockium!
  7. KyltieNguhhyen
    Ai có gì chưa hiểu thì hỏi
    có ý gì hay ho muốn góp ý thì cũng nói luôn nhé
  8. ThotiPhng
    When 1$=1 Bok ? ::c))))))))))))))))))))))))
  9. GiltiadRahhz
    Sooo...How was the quiz???
  10. KyltieNguhhyen
  11. Newtibie
    X mấy ce:c))))))))))))))))))))))))
  12. Comtibot
    :rocket: Newbie vừa lên cấp 2! Chúc mừng nhé :c))))
  13. KyltieNguhhyen
    The quiz is not too hard
  14. Newtibie
    Ủa sao em bị ban à
    Sao lên mới cấp 2 thế
  15. An-tiOceahhnEx
    Hello Gilad.
  16. MintihThahhiVB
  17. tritieu
    after new update with Btc trading, is it good as your expects?
  18. GiltiadRahhz
  19. NgutiynKhhhang
    currently blockium also plans to organize free game rooms to attract new players?
  20. An-tiOceahhnEx
    Yeah. Thank you for reply :c)))) Happy to see you again in here.

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