Kèo IEO càng ngày càng rủi ro

Thảo luận trong 'Top 100 coin' bắt đầu bởi phatintuyhhen, 16/6/19. Trả lời: 60,018 Xem: 1,415,960.

  1. TmDtiung
    Sợ x5 cũng khoai ấy chứ
  2. HIEtiPHOAhhNG
    Bữa dờ:c))))))))))))))))))))))))
  3. GiltiadRahhz
  4. NamtiNguyhhen
    Thank you Gilad, will plan on researching and buying in BOK :mt
  5. MintihThahhiVB
    Yes, we have question about it in the quiz
  6. HoatingMT
    x3 - x5 là ổ:binhbitcoinb:c))))))))))))))))))))))))
  7. ETHti300
    X5 ổngười anh em
  8. ETHti300
    Quăng 5tr thử
  9. TmDtiung
    Giải đề thôi :c))))))))))))))))))))))))
  10. ApotilloThheam
    Bữa cũng mua 1 í:c))))))))))))))))))))))))
  11. MintihThahhiVB
    Guys, keep discussing with Gilad CEO, then we will move the quiz official answers part.
  12. LentianaVhho
    Bán coineal hết chưa ta
  13. Huytidzai
    Why we need to complex the calculation of the pool? Why not make it easy like the more BOK you hold, the more Profit you get( not inclue Withdraw or Deposit so people can earn it easy and better) ? @GiladBlockium
  14. RactihelWhhand
    Today we will update the Blockium lending page to reflect the major changes that have come to the platform, in few hours you can visit it to see the new design.
  15. GiltiadRahhz
  16. ngTting
    alligiàng ơi
  17. TmDtiung
    Coineal cũng ko hết
  18. tritieu
  19. MintihThahhiVB
    Guys, English please
  20. TmDtiung
    Đc 2m coi:c))))))))))))))))))))))))

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